Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Bebe

Well, we've made our way through my family and are on the last member.
Blog friends, meet McKay. McKay, meet my blog friends. He is my little little brother, also known as Mac, Macsta, and Scooby (or Scoob). Mac is the baby of the family by a lot of years. The next sibling is 7 years older than he is, which makes me 12 years older. Consequently, I feel like we have a special bond. My favorite thing to do with McKay is our fieldtrips. Every summer that I've lived in the same city and owned a car we've taken weekly fieldtrips together. We've seen some cool places, done some awesome things, and learned a ton. I love getting to spend some one on one time with him every week, just because I missed a pretty big chunk of his growing up years.

Mac is a great kid. He's quickly shaping up to be the life of the party, and can already hold his own in our crazy family.

A more recent story about Mac: A few weeks ago we were at a fireside put on by a friend of ours who went to help in Haiti after the earthquake. At one point in the fireside, he showed a picture of one of the orphanages (cribs stacked 3 high, with 2 babies in every crib). I started to cry and McKay leaned over to me and said, "You know that one of those babies is waiting for you, right?" He is so excited to be an uncle. He asks me all the time when Curious George and I are going to start having babies.

Now, don't go thinking Mac is all fun and games. While Zach is on his mission McKay is holding down the fort of the lawn business. He is so smart and has so much potential.

So, little brother, I look forward to watching you grow up into the amazing man I know you can be.

Love you, Scooby!



Kristina P. said...

OH, he sounds so sweet! The Haiti comment is so heartwarming.


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