Friday, July 13, 2012

You are Special!

When I was growing up my mom had this really cool thing.  It looked like this:

Anytime one of us had a birthday, brought home a straight A report card, or did something really cool, we got to eat dinner on the "You are Special" plate. It was a pretty big honor. 

Well, I decided awhile back that I wanted to get one of these plates to use with my own kids.  My search began. I discovered that it is made by a company called Waechtersbach, and they are almost 100% out of stock... everywhere.  Anytime I could find one it was expensive. Like, really expensive.  I wasn't about to drop $50 on one plate.  Not. Going. To. Happen. 

So, I started looking for ways I could do this on a budget. That's when I stumbled upon this tutorial on Pinterest.  I was overjoyed.  Seriously, T-Bone and I did a little happy dance. He didn't know why we were dancing, but joined me in the jig anyway.  Anyway, back to my story.  I mulled the idea over a bit.  Tried to think of some ideas for how to decorate it.  And then I finally took the plunge.  I was at the black hole, otherwise known as Target, this week when I saw a square white porcelain plate.  Score!  I have square dishes.  I ran over to the office supply section and grabbed a pack of Sharpies (lame that I didn't have them on hand, I know), and tossed it all in the cart.  And then it proceeded to sit in my craft room for a week.  Well, tonight I finally took the plunge and decorated my "special" plate. I decided to keep it simple, and I think that paid off:




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